HealthGirl Blog

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Technique Tuesday - Trikonasana Triangle Pose Pt 4 May 10, 2022

Welcome to our fourth and final instalment of Trikonasana or Triangle pose variations!

This is a fantastic way to open hips, heart and shoulders, strengthen legs and abdominal and back muscles, and even open shoulders, as we will see in the more advanced bind variation today.

As always, listen to...

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Technique Tuesday - Triangle Variations Pt. 3 May 03, 2022

Hello and welcome to a new Techniques Tuesday, where we'll be exploring Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose. Today is a modified chair version, that is usually accessible for many people.

As always, listen to your body, rest and modify as needed, and stop if you feel ANY pain. While this is a pose...

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Wellness Wednesday - Why a Home Practice is Vital for Your Health Apr 27, 2022

Welcome to the new HealthGirl AnyTime Studio! This video gives you a tour of our new unlimited content library and shows how easy it is to use.

Now, I know a lot of you are going to say, "Ugh, I can't do at-home stuff, it just isn't me!"

Fair. I know doing things for your wellness on your own...

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